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Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

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Our Vision

Stanwell Fields is a Christian school with the belief that:

Through God: we can flourish, we can learn, we can achieve.

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)

We have a strong, welcoming Christian ethos that people often say puts them as ease.  

Values & Worship

We have structured our Collective Worship using Roots and Fruits to ensure that learning is clearly rooted in the Bible and the Church year. We believe that Collective Worship should:

  • be engaging, inspiring and transformational
  • involve the children and allow them to play an active part in worship
  • include a range of creative opportunities e.g. music, silence, symbol and drama
  • develop the Christian vision, values and ethos of our school and contribute to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all participants

Each half term we explore fully one of our school Christian values.

Trust, Compassion, Forgiveness, Thankfulness, Friendship,  Truthfulness, Respect, Service, Perseverance, Justice, Generosity and Courage.

By clicking on the value icons below, you will find a home school values leaflet. This is for you to share with your children at home to further explore the meaning of the value and what it looks like when we live our lives through it. We hope you enjoy sharing these with your children. You can find a copy in reception and we will email a link home for you each half term 









British Values

At Stanwell Fields we celebrate that our children, their families, our staff and other partners are from a wide range of different backgrounds and we strive to reflect, teach and encourage British values in all that we do.

Our belief is that through God: we can flourish, we can learn, we can achieve and our core Christian values of respect, generosity, perseverance, courage, justice, service, friendship, truthfulness, thankfulness, trust, compassion and forgiveness underpin all that we do. Our work on British values supports our pupils’ moral development as they understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions. It also supports spiritual development as they gain a sense of enjoyment and fascination when learning about themselves, others and the world around them. We believe our vision and curriculum supports our children in developing a thorough understanding of fundamental British values enabling them to become compassionate, thoughtful and responsible members of society in modern Britain and as global citizens.

  • Democracy

  • The rule of law

  • Individual liberty

  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

You can find out even more about British Values at Stanwell Fields by looking at our British Values page. 

Our School Rules:
Ready, Respectful and Safe

Our Aims

Throughout the school, our work is based on principles which are shared by all staff. It is our belief that we should:

  • develop and value the whole child and enable them to flourish as individuals.

  • give children the opportunity to learn about the wider world and their place within it.

  • ensure children have the knowledge and skills needed to achieve during the next stage of their education and in the future.

  • give children the opportunity to enjoy learning, flourish and achieve in a peaceful, supportive environment of Christian love and care and build respectful relationships.

To read more about out aims and curriculum intent, please visit our curriculum page.