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Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

Class Dojo


 Admissions / Parents


 Personal Development 


 School / Business 

 Governance / LAC 

 Data Protection 

Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School believes in a transparent approach to Data Protection and the use of information.  The policies and documents on this page help explain how we try and achieve this aim.  If you wish to discuss any of the content further, please do not hesitate to contact the school - office@stanwellfields.surrey.sch.uk


LAT Policy Page We aim to ensure all policies on this page are up to date, but in the even that a policy is out of date it maybe that it is before our LAT or LAC for approval and the new policy will be add in the near future.

Staff - Please click here for staff applicable policies. (Please contact the School business manager for password).