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Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

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Stanwell Fields C of E Primary School has adopted the Surrey County Council admission arrangements and all applications for the school should be made to the Local Authority on Surrey's common application form.

All applications to join Stanwell Fields Church of England Primary School from Reception are made via your home local authority. Information on deferring entry to Reception can be found in our Admissions Arrangements & Policy below.  Parents may choose any school for their children, however, it is usual for schools and local authorities to operate an admissions policy which ranks applications on the basis of need. Further details can be found in our Admissions Arrangements & Policy. 

PAN 2024 - 2025
Year Group  PAN per year group
Reception 60 pupils
Year 1 60 pupils
Year 2 60 pupils
Year 3 60 pupils
Year 4  90 pupils
Year 5 60 pupils
Year 6 60 pupils

All applications to join our nursery can be made here. Stanwell Fields Nursery

Surrey Schools and Learning: Admissions

Parents wishing to move their children to our school from other schools need to contact Surrey County Council.

See the link above and follow the in-year application process. You can also check with the school to see if there are any places but your application must be made to Surrey County Council.

Please click to see:

Admissions Consultation 2025-2026

The consultation of our Admissions arrangements for 2025-26 ran from 27th November 2023 to 9th January 2024.