Sports Premium
In March 2013, the Government launched its P.E. and Sport funding which commenced in September 2013. The funding is focused to achieve the following results:
- Preserve the Olympic and Paralympic legacy while developing school sport; and
- Develop an enjoyment of sport and physical activity, while promoting a healthy lifestyle in children from an early age.
The funding is ring fenced and may be spent in the following ways:
- Hiring specialist P.E. teachers or qualified sports coaches to provide CPD to improve the quality of PE teaching;
Supporting and engaging children through new or additional accessible sports clubs;
- Paying for professional development opportunities in P.E./sport (including providing cover to release teachers);
- Running sports competitions, or increasing participation in the School Games;
- Providing places for pupils in after school sports clubs.
Sports Premium Funding
- Sports Premium Projected Spend 2023 -2024
- Sports Premium Funding and Action Plan 2022 -2023
- Review of Sports Premium Funding 2021 - 2022
- Review of Sports Premium 2020-2021
- Review of Sports Premium 2019 - 2020
- Review of Sports Premium Funding 2018-2019
Swimming Data
As of October 2017, schools have the responsibility of publishing swimming data. This should express how many children have met the National Curriculum expectations in KS2.
Expectations are that children (data based on 2022-2023 Y6 cohort):
- can swim well and with confidence over a distance of at least 25 metres - 45%
- can use a range of strokes effectively (e.g. front crawl, breaststroke and backstroke) - 59%
- could perform a safe self-rescue (e.g. if they got into trouble, could they rescue themselves by getting to the edge of the water?) - 68%
Data will be updated across the year to reflect any changes and improvements in skills.